Key Initiatives
Atlantic Student Tracking System
The Council of Atlantic Ministers of Education and Training (CAMET) is proceeding with the implementation of an Atlantic Student Tracking project which will provide access to standardized statistics that are accurate, timely, region- and province-customized, useful, and comparable. Analysis resulting from this initiative will lead to strategic policies that will enhance outcomes for students through improved transitions and pathways within and across public school, post- secondary education and the labour force; and that ultimately may lead to increased post-secondary education participation rates, and improved skills match between education and employment. Better data and analysis have a positive impact on government decisions by:
- Targeting programs and services to their intended recipients
- Evaluating the impact of government programs and policies
- Developing in-depth understanding of the unique pathways of sub-groups of students
- Fostering social innovation and continuous improvement
- Ensuring the investments in K/P-12 and post-secondary education are properly aligned and produce meaningful and measurable results.
The proposed initiative will describe the pathways of students from public to post- secondary education to the labour force through a combination of (when fully implemented): a core administrative data system linking Atlantic postsecondary and public education data; regional outcomes survey data; and pan-Canadian indicators. The ultimate goal is to improve outcomes for students through improved transitions and pathways within and across public school, post-secondary education and the labour force; and that ultimately may lead to increased post- secondary education participation rates, and improved skills match between education and employment.
The tracking of student data will be conducted by using a combination of existing data files. This includes data from each department of education as well as data that Atlantic universities and colleges currently submit to PSIS. CAMET will use the Statistics Canada’s Education and Labour Market Longitudinal Platform (ELMLP) to link public education student data with the existing post-secondary education student data.
CAMET retained the services of NB-IRDT to conduct the data analysis and prepare a report for CAMET and the provinces. The final report will be completed by winter/spring 2024.
Atlantic Canada Career Week
The 2023 Atlantic Canada Career Week was held from October 31st to November 4th under the theme Your Skills, Your Success, Your Well-being.
Building on the 2022 Atlantic Canada Career Week and using the existing Atlantic Canada Career Week website as a template/foundation, the existing website was updated to include relevant materials to support the 2023 theme.
The 2023 updated website served to support the needs of young Atlantic Canadian workers and those preparing for entry into the workforce and introduced more explicit information and resources dedicated to the well-being in the workforce.
The expansion of the website included information and resources that can help youth understand the relationship between skills and success and the skills needed to support well-being as they navigate the labour market and make career decisions that are appropriate for them and their needs. This approach is intended to help youth recognize the importance of advocacy, resiliency and adaptability in the workforce as well as their personal lives.
Career Planning Software (myBlueprint)
CAMET manages the license agreement with myBlueprint for the career planning software. CAMET and myBlueprint finalized and signed an extension agreement for another two years, starting in September 2023 and ending in August 2025.
Joint Procurement of School Buses
CAMET continues to support Atlantic departments of education, transportation, and government services in the joint purchase of school buses. This important initiative resulted in substantial annual savings for the provinces.
Electric School Bus Feasibility Study
In October 2023, CAMET undertook an electric school bus feasibility study on behalf on Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Newfoundland and Labrador. A contract was awarded to WSP Canada to conduct the study.
The study will develop a roadmap that will enhance the provinces’ knowledge of zero-emission transportation and provide valuable insights for decisions needed to proceed with electrification. The roadmap will also cover infrastructure requirements, timelines, emissions reduction, long-term cost savings, and ensure that the provinces are prepared for deployments.
The study’s overall objective is to help determine the requirements for electrification and assess the feasibility of transitioning school buses in New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, and Nova Scotia to electric power.
In 2023, CAMET signed a contribution agreement with Infrastructure Canada to assist with funding to complete the noted study.